
Centre for Advanced Medical Technology

Healthcare software development


Information technology is a defining industry field of the 21st century. Its effect can be observed in all areas of life; IT systems help, support or even fully automate processes in several fields of industry. In the last decade, these solutions brought many new developments in healthcare and medical education, helping the work of healthcare workers, supporting patient care processes and thereby contributing to the prosperity and success of patients.


Our researchers and developers began their work with developing software supporting medical and clinical education. Their first bigger project was the website of the UP MS (https://medschool.pte.hu) and its CMS system, soon followed by more unique developments, for example the mobile application tracking the working hours of residents, or the POTECHO medical student feedback application. The continuous need for developments resulted in the foundation of CoreTechs Solutions Kft. (https://coretechs.hu/en), the official spin-off company of the Medical School. They have collaborated in several market projects since, contributing to the economic support of the unit.


In the past couple of years, research connected to VR and AR technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) have also been brought forward. In collaboration with a researcher from Harvard Medical School, we have started analysing a laparoscopy education system (LC) with VR and AI solutions. The results of this study are currently under publication.