
Centre for Advanced Medical Technology


Skill education, medical training


At the Medical Skills Education and Innovation Centre, we are able to provide education tools adjusting to modern challenges, for all medical practice trainings on both gradual and post-gradual levels. Aside from using the basic principles of standardised education and objective testing, we also conduct education-methodology and tool validation research.

From the twelve years since the initial design of our unit, we have become the largest area of the Medical School with the highest number of student visitations. The constantly increasing pressure and third-party inquiries in the past few years make the expansion of our professional and technical staff necessary, in order to ensure the highest possible level of services provided. We have registered almost 20 000 student participations during the last year on various courses. Most of the courses are the mandatory, elective and facultative courses offered to gradual students of the Medical School, realised with the active educator cooperation of over 26 clinics and departments. The courses fully cover the exit requirements for sufficient practical skill education of Hungarian medical universities.

With the participation of international partners, we have also created a robotic surgery training program to ensure the education of the next generation of surgeons in the country.

Aside from gradual training elements, we also provide the location, and if needed, the teacher for post-gradual trainings as well. Joining the doctoral schools of the Medical School, our PhD preparation courses have become more popular every year. We organise the manual skill development courses necessary for the bar exam of healthcare resident doctors in collaboration with the Centre for Postgraduate Education.

As first in the country, we have advertised and successfully conducted the SkillRace Manual Skill Development Competition, where students from the dentistry and medical universities of the country could compare their knowledge in the fields of gradual medicine and dentistry. We have organised a scientific section and education methodology and operational medicine training during the event, aside from the competition of practical knowledge.

Another interesting event we have is the Catastrophe Day, initiated by students. There are over a hundred participants each year, and we demonstrate the first steps of local and clinical care and treatment of the victims of a simulated catastrophe.

We strive for useful and practical collaboration with our local and international partners in medical education. We are registered members of the Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM) and we are looking for opportunities to join the US Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH).

Medical-engineering course


Biomedical engineering is a rapidly developing area that combines engineering sciences with medicine and biology. Its goal is the development of innovative solutions to improve patient care.

Healthcare is becoming more complex, and new technologies are needed to improve efficiency and quality. Healthcare engineers play a crucial role in developing new medical tools and equipment, diagnostic procedures, biomaterials and therapies. The aging population and the increase of chronic diseases further increases the need for innovative solutions in healthcare.

The Biomedical Engineering MSc course has been available for international students in English language since 2021 at the University of Pécs Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. During the program, students gain the necessary engineering knowledge for healthcare application, acquire the medical and biology knowledge needed to understand healthcare problems. They also participate in research projects where they try to find solutions to existing problems, and build professional connections with research groups of the University and industry partners.

Students spend the last three semesters of the program in an ongoing research-development project, joining one of the research groups of the University. This gives them an opportunity to work on real research topics, gain experience in the research process and directly contribute to healthcare innovation.

The UP Biomedical Engineering MSc program is ideal for those students who would like to work on innovative solutions in healthcare, are interested in engineering, medicine and biology, and would like to study and research in an international environment.


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